Monday, March 17, 2014

HASA How-tos - March 2014

How do I...

...add an item to the Research Cabinet?

The quickest way to get started with the Research Cabinet is to add a few items to it. It's as easy as finding an item to add and clicking a button!

  1. Log in to HASA.
  2. Go to the Resources section of the site.
  3. Browse for a Research Library item you would like to add to your cabinet. The items you can add are:
    a. Timeline Events
    b. Character Bios
    c. Places
    d. Things
    e. Full Text Searches (Note - you have to save a search before you can add it to your Cabinet)
  4. Once you have found the Library item you want to add to you Research Cabinet, look for the right-hand menu box labeled "Research Cabinet".
  5. In the Research Cabinet box, click the "Add this [item] to research cabinet".
  6. The page refreshes and the item is added to your cabinet.

At this point, you can leave the item loose in the Cabinet, add it to a Notebook, and/or create a Research Note to go with it; and we will look at how to do that in the next few months. The great thing about the research cabinet is that you can organise your information so that it makes sense to you.

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