Monday, January 17, 2011

HASA How-tos - January 2011

This month's HASA How-to tells you how to share a link by adding it to the HASA URL Library.

How do I...
... add a link to the URL Library?

What is the URL Library?

The URL Library is a collection of web page links, organized by general categories, covering both Tolkien's works and other topics of general interest to HASA members. All members are invited to share interesting links.

These may include Tolkien-related sites, but also sites that you have found useful in researching a topic for a story; for instance, sites on pre-modern weaponry, architecture, navigation, astronomy, farming, ...

How do I add a link to the URL Library?
  1. Be sure you are logged in - only members can contribute links.
  2. Go to the URL Library in Resources.
  3. Find the "URL Categories" box in the navigation column.
  4. In the box below the form will be a link to add a URL.
  5. In the URL form, fill in:
    * the URL address (be sure to add the http:// part!)
    * the web page name
    * the URL category for the site
    * a brief summary of under 250 characters, including spaces (please include warnings for any Adult content).
  6. Click on the "Add URL" button.
Your URL will be added in draft status and the Resource Manager will be notified there is a URL waiting for review.

Have fun!


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